New SAT考試技巧與知識分享


What are your Strengths and Weaknesses in taking SAT?

All tests can appear to be quite daunting when you first sit down and think about what you are going to have to do to get the score that you need to achieve your future goals. The SAT Test is no different in that it is made up of several different parts that are all formidable challenges individually on their own, but even more so when combined into the single comprehensive test that it is in its current form. Do not let this first impression deceive you though, because if you break it down, separating the different constituent parts into smaller, more manageable tasks, you will find that it is not so full-on after all. All it needs is a bit of thoughtful planning, and you will be able to take on anything that the test may throw at you, and conquer it once and for all, proving to yourself that you can do almost anything if you put your mind to it.

First of all, you need to consider which parts of the test are going to present the most difficulty to you, and allocate more time and focus on those to begin with. You should weigh up your strengths and weaknesses, complete as many practice examples and tests as you can, and at the same time, take note of which types of tasks turn out being the biggest hurdles for you, and which ones you consistently get wrong or spend too much time on. Perhaps the hardest part here is ensuring that you do not treat every setback as a failure, or turn every molehill into a mountain.

After you have identified what you need to spend most time on, do not forget to pay some attention to the parts which you already feel are your strong suites, because complacency or neglecting these can lead to unexpected and perhaps not so happy results on test day. Of course there will be parts where you think you can really dominate – question types that you feel you have always been good at, or where it just seems to come naturally – but do not just rest on your laurels, because in the test you will find that there will always be variables that you cannot control. Avoid putting equal time into preparing for all parts when you obviously need more work in certain areas, just do not completely neglect your strong points by putting too much emphasis on improving your shortcomings at the expense of your overall score.

SAT課程 立即預約諮詢

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